Friday, July 22, 2011

Being home just gives you a new place to travel from

I know I owe you all a blog.  I've been back for almost a month now (whoa).  I've been trying to decide what I want to write for the last blog and I think I'm finally ready to write it, probably because I've actually finally accepted I'm home. 

Honestly, I'm happier, more confident and more excited about life than I have ever been.  Not that its been easy being back, but seriously, I just spent six months gallivanting around Europe.  I did that!   

I still am stuck in travel mode...I've been to Pearl Lake in New Hampshire, Narragansett and Providence in Rhode Island, Stamford multiple times to visit my friends, out to Chicago to visit my family that I hadn't seen for six years and this afternoon I'm leaving for Portland, Maine to visit a friend of mine there and I'm planning to go climb a mountain with my friends in August as well as go to NYC, and I'm going up to Boston to spend Saturday and Sunday with my cousins!  I've also been spending lots of time with my friends who I missed while I was gone!  
Buckingham Fountain in the London reference

When I'm back, I'm going to write that last blog, and finally move on to my life post Europe. 
Not that I'm starting a new chapter or anything....its just another day in my life!

In the mean time if you see me around town, stop me and say hi. 

Anyways, get ready for the last blog.  I'll write it when I'm back.   

Love, SP 


  1. Early Morning at Pearl lake, just thought by chance I would check the Blog for an update, and and to my surprise and pleasure there is one!!
    Enjoy your time in Maine, and we will look forward to the final blog, wrapping up what was by all accounts a wonderful experience.
    Rosalind and I look forward to sitting down for a further catch up and having you and your friends to Pearl Lake for your ascent of Mt. Lafayette.

    Love from all of us at Pearl Lake, 2,3,and 4 legged!

  2. Of course I love the picture in Chicago!
    It is great to have you around!
    Love, Mom
    P.S. Waggers (the birthday girl) is really happy your home!!!
